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Search keyword(s): ' Economic Observer'
Deep Doubts Rajeshni Naidu-Ghelani
Category: Economic Observer Published: May 2020
A combination of uncertainty over when the shutdowns will end, a resulting loss of wealth, the speed and depth of the downturn, and the risk of a new outbreak without a vaccine all are factors affecting the economy bouncing back.
Ensuring Worthy Giving Michael Cummings
Category: Economic Observer Published: November 2018
The mission is "to help nonprofits learn how to use and produce better evidence of their impact and to help donors know which nonprofits do this most effectively."
Fuel Fight William Yeatman
Category: Economic Observer Published: January 2020
"Car companies are delaying delivery of their least-polluting cars, and their purpose is to game compliance with the European Union's fuel economy regulations. . . . Could it happen here?"
Hmm, Now Let Me See . . . Preeti Vasishtha
Category: Economic Observer Published: November 2021
We must hold landlords using discriminatory practices to account, but rental assistance for low-income families is insufficient to meet demand. Private landlords mitigate risk using often discriminatory screening tools to judge tenants' worth.
Real Estate Realities Troy Green
Category: Economic Observer Published: September 2021
"For black Americans, in general, the greater likelihood of having student loan debt, combined with lower household incomes and accrued savings when compared to the national average, adds to the challenge [of purchasing a home]."
Turbo-Charge Patient Freedom Elizabeth Lee Vliet
Category: Economic Observer Published: July 2018
Congress has broken its promise to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Pres. Trump can keep his promises to free Americans from ObamaCare's disastrous costs and restrictions . . . by an Executive Order authorizing the needed changes.
What's the Advantage? Sabin Russell
Category: Economic Observer Published: March 2020
". . . The U.S. spends far more on health care than its neighbor to the north. However, [this study] may be the first to measure costs and survival rates for a specific disease among demographically similar groups treated in the two countries."
Why Spread the Wealth? Andrea Estrada
Category: Economic Observer Published: March 2018