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Search keyword(s): ' 200905'
Cezanne and Beyond
Category: Museums Today Published: May 2009
". . . The unfolding reality [is] that a different [Paul] Cezanne has evolved for each generation, defined by what artists have made of him and passed along to those who came after. It is a continuing story."
Corresponding with Darwin Alison Pearn
Category: Science & Technology Published: May 2009
The real value of Darwin's correspondence is not in any single bombshell letter, but in the subtle and detailed picture they paint. The letters show a thoughtful man, a supporter of the church as part of the fabric of local life. . . .
Darwin's Origin of Species: A Gift from God John Polkinghorne
Category: Religion Published: May 2009
"[It is] quite clear that anyone who finds contradictions with science in Genesis is 'not understanding the divine eloquence.' "
Earth's Endless Forms
Category: Science & Technology Published: May 2009
The fascinating interchange between the revolutionary theories of Charle Darwin and the art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is explored in a groundbreaking interdisciplinary exhibition.
Falling Into the Afghan Trap Gerald E. Marsh
Category: The World Today Published: May 2009
". . . The U.S. is bogged down in tactical responses to Taliban initiatives. Little by little, the Soviet experience is becoming more and more relevant."
Georgia on Our (Troubled) Mind Harold E. Rogers Jr
Category: Worldview Published: May 2009
". . . With so much oil, gas, and money at stake in a world reeling from a deep global recession, the tensions between Russia and Georgia easily could escalate into a more serious conflict that would have universal consequences."
How Detroit's Automakers Went from Kings of the Road to Roadkill Joseph B. White
Category: Business & Finance Published: May 2009
How does a juggernaut like this become the basket case that we see before us today? The fact is that the Detroit Three's post-WWII business strategies were doomed from the day in '92 when the first Honda Accord rolled off a nonunion assembly line in Ohio.
The "Economic Stimulus" Will (Further) Ruin Education--and the Economy Dan Lips
Category: Education Published: May 2009
"Instead of a massive Federal spending increase, Congress should have embraced fiscally responsible solutions to help states meet financial challenges and improve educational services."
The (Liberal) Beat Goes On Richard E. Vatz
Category: Mass Media Published: May 2009
"Over the . . . last two decades, there may be no more salient disagreement between liberals and conservatives than over the issue of media bias."
The Dubious Economics of the Obama Plan Murray Weidenbaum
Category: National Affairs Published: May 2009
Although the legislation is referred to as an economic stimulus plan, the CBO expects more of the money to be spent in 2011 and 2012 than in 2009. Despite protestations, these are not the actions of an Administration friendly to private enterprise.
The Free Market Can Provide Health Security John H. Cochrane
Category: Medicine & Health Published: May 2009
Our govt should take the steps necessary to let long term health insurance emerge in place of highly regulated pooling systems. The resulting competition would raise quality, lower costs, and spur innovation in both health care delivery and finance.
The Misguided Call for Intervention Jagadeesh Gokhale
Category: Economics Published: May 2009
There are several reasons to believe the bailout will be ineffective--most importantly because it is being implemented badly. The stimulus plan cobbled together by the Obama Administration and Congress will worsen the nation's long-term financial outlook.
What Has Darwin Wrought? John G. West
Category: Science & Technology Published: May 2009
"The suppression of robust public debate on scientific issues is bad for science, and it certainly is bad for a free society. It demonstrates the type of group-think mentality that in the past led to horrors like eugenics."
Working Toward Recovery Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: May 2009
Either we shall have limited govt, in which a few vital things are tended to with a careful eye and strong, but limited, powers, or else we shall attempt to allocate the labor and capital of the nation by force of law. This second will make a disaster.…
Zing, Zang, Zoom Wayne M. Barrett
Category: Entertainment Published: May 2009
Elephants vanish into thin air and tigers disappear right before your eyes in this year's "illusionary" edition of The Greatest Show on Earth.