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"The Magazine of the American Scene"
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Search keyword(s): ' 202203 '
A Life Like Anybody Else Michael S. Long
Category: Mind & Body Published: March 2022
March is National Disability Awareness Month. Here is the story of how one man with an intellectual disability fulfilled his American Dream.
An Energy Healer States Her Case Susana Stoica
Category: Mind & Body Published: March 2022
". . . Experienced healers could be an important resource to further our medical knowledge. Using the healer's insights to guide new test tool development could accelerate this field considerably."
As Only Love Can Michael S. Tobin
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2022
In a race against the ravages of Deborah's Alzheimer's disease, the author wrote a book to celebrate the extraordinary days of their courtship--and the transformational six-month bike trek that made them a couple for life.
Bewildering Bedwetting Peter Petros
Category: Therapeutic Theory Published: March 2022
"[It] has nothing to do with a youngster's laziness, negligence, or carelessness. It entirely is due to underexercised muscles in a child's pelvic floor."
Crazy Numbers John Poothullil
Category: Medicine & Health Published: March 2022
"How can we rebalance the current exorbitant costs of health care in the U.S, between greed and need?"
Creating a Healthy Plate Maryann Ridini Spencer
Category: Nutrition in a Nutshell Published: March 2022
CRT's Cauldron of Lies Jonathan W. Emord
Category: Under the Microscope Published: March 2022
Deep, Deep Despair Elaine Kennelly
Category: Mind & Body Published: March 2022
"Suicide will bring out the worst in you. There is this huge hole, this gap in understanding between what you believe and what actually happened."
Deepening the "Black" Hole Marilyn M. Singleton
Category: On Second Thought Published: March 2022
Fake Electors Are Not Fake News Andy Craig
Category: Political Landscape Published: March 2022
"The fake electors strategy was a shameful attempt to subvert the Constitution, but the fact that [Pres. Donald] Trump's team was able to identify plausible legal arguments for such a gambit is also a shocking indictment of the current law."
Forces Shaping the Rural Economy Dan Kowalski
Category: Economics Published: March 2022
As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the COVID-19 virus still is in control of the economy, and it likely will remain so through much of the first half of the year.
Have We Finally "Woke" Up? Robert J. Bresler
Category: National Affairs Published: March 2022
"Identity politics offers little to the working class, offends many families, sends angry parents screaming at school board members, and cost the Democrats in 2021's state and local elections."
He's Mental Richard E. Vatz
Category: Sports Scene Published: March 2022
Here Are Your Choices Carmen Harra
Category: On The Couch Published: March 2022
"The value of [identifying] the [seven] archetypes . . . is that they serve as a predictability chart, laying out all the components of a person's personality."
Inflation's Cost: From the Roman Empire to the Antics of the Biden Administration John Steele Gordon
Category: Economics Published: March 2022
"[There is] a special term for a fall in the price of money--inflation. As the price of money falls, the price of every other commodity must go up."
It Costs What?! Randal O'Toole
Category: Going Places Published: March 2022
Local Governments Feel Impact of the Great Resignation Liz Farmer
Category: Back to Business Published: March 2022
"While government employment has endured setbacks during recessions, what is happening now goes well beyond that."
Pass the Collection Plate Alexis Blue
Category: Religious Grounds Published: March 2022
Poetry Points the Way Norman E. Rosenthal
Category: Psychology Published: March 2022
"Remember, poetry is free and has no side effects."
Raise Your Net Worth by Raising Your Self-Worth Jessica Weaver
Category: Figures & Finance Published: March 2022
"I love paying the bills, they allow me to live my life."
Ready, Fire, Aim? Steve Riczo
Category: Eye on Ecology Published: March 2022
"Make no mistake, the war on global waming is a war like no other."
Recoiling from the Great Reset Michael Rectenwald
Category: Worldview Published: March 2022
Big Digital is the communications, ideological & technological arm of an emerging corprate-socialist totalitarianism. Monopolistic corporations have a consolidated grip on the economy from above, while socialism advances for the rest of us from below.
Reflecting Upon My Heart Transplant Vince Clews
Category: Lifestyles Look Published: March 2022
A writer takes a sobering look at his life in crisis.
Reforming the Electoral Count Act Thomas A. Berry
Category: Political Landscape Published: March 2022
What if voters elect a dead guy?
Shapeshifting Your Career Mustafa Ammar
Category: Dollars & Sense Published: March 2022
Support "Grows" for a Plant-Based Diet Amy Roeder
Category: Medicine & Health Published: March 2022
A Harvard study finds greater adherence lowers risk of type 2 diabetes by 23%.
Tabulating Greatness David Heeren
Category: Athletic Arena Published: March 2022
"'Are you rating the players? They told me it's what you do.' A huge hand reached out with index finger pointing at a row of Philadelphia Warriors statistics on the page in front of me. 'What's my rating?'"
The Birds and the Bees and the Flowers and the . . . Robots? Joshua Brown
Category: Science & Technology Published: March 2022
". . . Scientists. . . have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction--and applied their discovery to create the first-ever, self-replicating living robots."
The Great Resignation in Reverse Richard Jackson
Category: Back to Business Published: March 2022
"Working longer as America ages is both natural and necessary."
The Military's Vicious Vaccine Stance Elizabeth Lee Vliet
Category: Political Landscape Published: March 2022
"If service members request a religious or medical exemption [to the COVID vaccine], they face extra duty, public humiliation, and threats of dishonorable discharge. If they talk about it, they risk career ending discipline."
The Scourge of Super Climate Pollutants Stephen O. Anderson , Durwood Zaelke , Alan Miller
Category: Eye on Ecology Published: March 2022
". . . The contribution of human activities to extreme weather events is an established fact . . . There is 'nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.'"
The Visitation Dolores T. Puterbaugh
Category: Life in America Published: March 2022
"She needs her space and he wants to find himself. [He] will move into a smaller place near the woods, where he can stand outside with a cup of coffee in the dark and pretend to be Thoreau," but where does that leave the kids?
Three Decades Behind Bars--as a Prison Doctor Karen Gedney
Category: Law & Justice Published: March 2022
"I remember the attorney general in Nevada telling the governor that 58% of the men coming back to prison had not commited another crime, but had 'technical parole violations.' "
What's that Word Again? . . . Peter Sokolowski
Category: By the Book Published: March 2022
"The biggest science story of our time quickly became the biggest debate in our country, and the word at the center of both stories is 'vaccine.'"
Why Oh Why? Dolores T. Puterbaugh
Category: Parting Thoughts Published: March 2022
You Gotta Have Soul Tosin King James
Category: Mind & Body Published: March 2022
"That person who stares back at you in the mirror is only a shadow or representative of the real you."